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10 Nutritionist Tips For Healthy Eating On A Budget

written by Paige Redford

I think the phrase ‘healthy eating is expensive’ is an undoubtedly popular opinion. I also think this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whilst the price of food is rising, there are so many practical tips and tricks that can allow you to be creative in the kitchen, whilst keeping your grocery bills down! Therefore, I’ve put together for you my 10 Nutritionist Tips For Health Eating On A Budget.

1. Plan Your Meals

Like a To Do List, but rather a To Eat List. Planning out your meals can take the stress away from deciding what to cook each night and that dreaded feeling of trying to force creativity when you’re tried and uninspired at the end of a long day. It also gives you a chance to look at what you already have in the pantry, fridge and freezer and think about what you could use to make your meals. 

2. Use What You Already Have 

You may already have all that you need to create a delicious, wholesome meal in your pantry, fridge and freezer so before heading to the shops plan your meals around the existing ingredients you have. This will help save you money at the supermarket as you won’t have to buy as much as you would if you were starting from scratch. In my How To Eat Healthy On A Budget Online Workshop I teach you how to use these common pantry staples we all have to create nutritious family meals.

3. Write Lists 

So you’ve already started on this tip by planning out your meals for the week so now its time to write your shopping list. Note down all of the items you need to add to the ones you already have at home to make a complete meal and stick to that list as much as possible. 

4. Buy In Season

Fresh produce is much more readily available when it is in season and also doesn’t  cost you the earth. Buying produce that is not in season often means its been imported, which ups the price of it and also contributes to greater food miles and strain on the environment. 

5. Buy In Bulk 

Food that is packaged or sold in some sort of packaging or wrapping is generally more expensive as more work and time has gone into packaging it up as opposed to it being sold loose or in bulk. I’ll share with you the best items to buy and bulk and where to fine them for affordable prices in my online workshop.

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6. Embrace Canned Goods 

Think tomatoes, beans, legumes, fish such as salmon and tuna, these all have a long shelf life and usually cost no more than a dollar or two.  In my How To Eat Healthy On A Budget Online Workshop we dive deeper into how you can use these canned items to create simple, affordable nutritious meals.

7. Don’t Dodge The Freezer Aisle 

Frozen foods often get a bad wrap but can sometimes be fresher than ‘fresh’ produce! Frozen fruits and veggies are snap frozen soon after harvesting, meaning they have the same, if not better nutritional value than their fresh counterparts. 

How To Eat Healthy On A Budget Online Workshop

Need personalised nutrition advice catered to your needs?

If you are after personalised nutrition advice and dietary planning individualised to your health and dietary needs then contact us at The JCN Clinic with your enquiry. We are always happy to answer any questions you have! 

8. Bulk Up Your Meals With Plants 

Bulking up your meals with cost effective items such as beans, legumes and veggies is a cost affection and nutritious way to make your food go further. Add grated carrot, zucchini and canned lentils to bolognese sauces, make a vegetarian curry with chickpeas, sweet potato, broccoli and green beans. The options are endless! 

9. Create Your Own 

Get creative in the kitchen and make your own! Buy items in bulk or loose such as oats, nuts and seeds to make your own muesli and muesli bars. You can do the same and make your own breads,  snacks like protein balls, pestos, dips, whatever you fancy really, have fun with it! 

10. Be Prepared

If you’re prepared with your plan, shopping list, cheap, easy items on hand you are setting yourself up for success. Success in the form of hearty, healthy, tasty meals that is! 

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want to learn more about how to eat healthy on a budget for your family? Join our JCN Online Workshop!

We hope you got some great tips here from Paige regarding how to create a more budget friendly approach to health eating. However, if you would like to really learn more and create a plan that works for yourself or for your family then we have an amazing online interactive workshop for you!

Join Paige Redford for her How To Eat Healthy On A Budget online workshop via Zoom to learn key nutritional tips and informative lifestyle hacks to help you eat healthy on a budget for yourself and your family.

Workshop includes:

  • Lesson 1: Learn how to plan budget friendly meals with an introduction to bulk/batch cooking
  • Lesson 2: Learn how to use budget friendly staples like grains, canned foods, legumes and seasonal veg/fruits
  • Lesson 3: Learn how to bulk up meals in a healthy way with veggies and legumes + MYO options.

This online workshop starts ……Bookings can be made here to secure your spot. Please note that class capacity is 10 people to allow maximum learning and interaction time with Paige.

If you’re unable to attend the live session/s, you can send questions prior to the workshop and watch the replay anytime at your convenience.

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Jessica Cox is a qualified practicing Nutritionist with a Bachelor Health Science (Nutrition) and over 15 years of clinical experience. She is the founder and director JCN Clinic, published author and established recipe developer. Jessica is well respected within health and wellness space for her no fad approach and use of evidence-based nutrition.

Jessica Cox

Jessica Cox is a qualified practicing Nutritionist with a Bachelor Health Science (Nutrition) and over 15 years of clinical experience. She is the founder and director JCN Clinic, published author and established recipe developer. Jessica is well respected within health and wellness space for her no fad approach and use of evidence-based nutrition.

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