Is this Healthy Hormones Nutrition Package for me?
The Healthy Hormones Nutrition Package is designed for woman aged 13- 35 years. This package will give you an in-depth education about your hormones and how to best understand and work with them. It will also highlight any potential areas that need some special TLC as your navigate your way through these years. As we know hormones impact everything from our mood through to our appetite, so if you understand your individual needs early on, you can really live your best life!
Think our Peri Menopause Nutrition Package for woman aged 35 – 55 years would suit you better? Please visit here.

This package includes:
3x Comprehensive Nutritional Consultations with Senior Nutritionist Carissa Mason. Note hormones, the DUTCH test and the genetics of hormone function is a specialty area of Carissa’s.
- Initial Consultation: 1 x 90 minute initial consultation in which your thorough health history and case will be taken and your DUTCH test will be ordered (please note the cost of the DUTCH test + postage and handling is an additional cost). You will also receive an individualised plan to start your treatment (see below)
- Extended follow up consultation : 1 x 60 minute consultation to discuss your test results and your further revised treatment regime based on your DUTCH results with Carissa.
- Follow up consultation : 1 x 30 minute follow up consultation to track progress and alter any further treatment processes.
You will also receive an individualised meal plan to complement your personal hormonal health concerns and your test results, along with any further recommended supplementation (only if deemed warranted).
New Clients: $595.00 (plus testing cost of $399 + GST & postage (additional postage for overseas clients)
Existing Clients: $495.00 (plus testing cost of $399 + GST & postage (additional postage for overseas clients)
how does this differ from your usual consultations at the jcn clinic?
The package is designed to provide a stream line and cost saving option for those clients requiring specific hormonal treatment with Carissa. The package is run over a 3 month timeframe and treatment will always be based on your individual requirements.
What does working with a nutritionist for better hormone balance entail?
Working with a nutritionist for hormone imbalances entails detailed case taking and assessment to ensure there is a thorough understanding of the true drivers of your hormonal concerns. It will involve your nutritionist utilising pathology testing (if warranted) and/or functional testing (commonly the DUTCH test) to address nutrient deficiencies and/or hormonal concerns related to other metabolic disturbances.
When working with a nutritionist for hormonal imbalances you will receive an individualised food plan regularly assessed and updated for suitability alongside the recommendation of suitable practitioner brand supplementation where needed. Your nutritionist will work alongside you during your consultations to ensure you are reaching your goals and adapting your treatment plan to suit your needs.
why use the dutch test?
At The JCN Clinic, we utilise the DUTCH screening tool (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) to take away the guesswork and provide the answers behind your personal hormonal story.
Standard blood tests for hormones can only offer a snap shot of the particular moment bloods are drawn, whereas urinary hormone profiles collected at different times of the day gives us a true picture of the overall orchestration of hormonal activity. Reproductive hormonal issues are often interwoven with stress hormone imbalances, hence this package utilises the DUTCH test, which offers a full insight to both of these areas.
What are the signs of hormone imbalance/issues?
Here are some common signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances:
- Irregular periods
- Heavy, clotty &/or painful periods
- PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, PMD
- Infertility
- Suspected peri menopause
- Acne & acne flairs with menstruation
- Unexplained rapid weight gain or loss
- Hair loss
- Irritability / mood fluctuations
- Poor energy or fatigue, or conversely jitteriness and anxiety
- Excessive feeling of hot or cold
- Other menstrual irregularities
- Anxiety and/or depression
- Sleep disturbances / insomnia
How does a nutritionist help with hormones?
A nutritionist helps with hormone concerns by addressing all contributing factors pertaining to hormonal imbalances such as metabolic disturbances, gut health, inflammation, dietary intake, and lifestyle. A nutritionist utilises a multifactorial approach to hormonal imbalances given our hormones are affected by multiple mechanisms. A nutritionist will provide a detailed and individualised treatment plan that addresses dietary intake, possible supplementation use and further investigation through functional testing if required.
To make a booking, simply visit the JCN online booking system here and choose a time suitable for your Initial Consultation with Carissa . Alternately, feel welcome to pop us an email at or contact us here with any questions, or to make a booking via email.