The JCN clinic is putting the spotlight on happy hormones. Our hormones are a complex web that have a synergistic relationships with each other within our body. This relationship can be quite harmonious, progesterone rising and oestrogen falling for instance, yet sometimes our hormones can get out of sync and consequently cause a multitude of unwanted side effects.
Also under the banner of hormones is stress. You may not know it but every time you feel the burning pressure of that deadline, the rush of getting the kids to school or even stewing over an argument with your partner, the body releases hormones, cortisol & adrenaline from the adrenal glands that help the body deal with this perceived threat. These stress hormones are vital for life, however as we see with reproductive hormone imbalance, burning the candle at both ends over a long period of time causes its own havoc.
Because our hormones are involved in so many processes within our bodies, there is an array of symptoms that can occur. Frequently these can be misdiagnosed or mismanaged, often resulting in ‘treatment’ with the OCP (oral contraceptive pill) to help mask underlying hormonal imbalance.
Its concerning to us as practitioners how many woman suffer with menstrual issues and hormone imbalances that go undiagnosed, just brushed off as PMS, or as ‘being emotional’, when often there is an underlying cause. This is where we love to step in and say, “hey, those symptoms are not ‘normal’, lets get this sorted!”
Here are some common signs and symptoms that we see with hormone imbalances, which benefit from testing:
- unexplained weight gain and/or holding weight in problem areas
- irregular periods
- heavy & painful periods
- PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, PMD
- infertility
- suspected peri menopause
- acne flairs with menstruation
- feeling exhausted throughout the day, to then have difficulties falling asleep – ‘tired but wired’
- waking unrefreshed
- difficulty getting and staying asleep
- feeling unmotivated and flat with no explanation
Therefore, to address this once and for all the JCN Clinic is offering a Comprehensive Hormone Testing Package that utilises thorough hormone urine testing evaluation. This type of testing gives us, as your practitioners a true insight into your reproductive cycle and adrenal health.
Standard blood tests for hormones can only offer a snap shot of the particular moment bloods are drawn, whereas urinary hormone profiles collected at different times of the day give us a true picture of the overall orchestration of hormonal activity. Reproductive hormonal issues are often interwoven with stress hormone imbalances, hence this package offers a full insight to both of these areas.
It is also integral to understand that as part of your treatment we will be assessing and treating your digestive health and nutritional status. This may seem a little left of field, but actually your gut health is vital to healthy hormone function. For instance, gut bacteria are intrinsically involved in the breakdown and reabsorption of oestrogen into the liver for excretion.
what’s involved in the package:
- 3 x comprehensive Nutritional Consultations with one of our qualified nutritionists, Jessica Cheney, Emma Tarrant or Carissa Mason.
- Week 1: x1 60 minute initial consultation in which your thorough health history and case will be taken and your DUTCH test will be ordered (please note the cost of the DUTCH test + postage and handling is additional). You will also receive an individualised plan to start your treatment (see below)
- Week 4 – 6: x1 45 minute consultation to discuss your test results and your further revised treatment regime with your practitioner
- Week 10 – 12: x1 30 minute follow up consultation to track progress and alter any further treatment processes
- You will also receive an individualised meal plan to complement your personal hormonal health concerns and your test results, along with any further recommended supplementation (only if deemed warranted).
- Lifetime access to the private JCN Community Facebook group where our nutritionists will provide additional content regarding hormones, health and lots of yummy food inspiration. The JCN Community group will also provide you ongoing support and education after the package has finished.
New Clients: $380 (plus testing cost of $379 + GST & postage (additional postage for overseas clients)
Existing Clients: $320 (plus testing cost of $379 + GST & postage (additional postage for overseas clients)
*Payment can be made in 2 part instalments, which can be arranged at your first appointment.
To make a booking, simply visit the JCN online booking system here and choose a time suitable for you in the for your Inital Consultation with Jess Cheney, Emma Tarrant or Carissa Mason. When making the booking, just include the text ‘Happy Hormones Package’ in the comments section. Alternately, feel welcome to pop us an email at or contact us here with any questions, or to make a booking via email.
Nutritional consultations are covered by a variety of health funds, so please check with your insurer to see if you are eligible.
Jessica Cox is a qualified practicing Nutritionist with a Bachelor Health Science (Nutrition) and over 15 years of clinical experience. She is the founder and director JCN Clinic, published author and established recipe developer. Jessica is well respected within health and wellness space for her no fad approach and use of evidence-based nutrition.