first steps nutrition package

The First Steps Nutrition Package is aimed at teaching you the foundations of healthy eating that underpin a wholefood healthy lifestyle. With so much noise out there in today’s world, predominately through social media, we find many of you need trusted direction and guidance when it comes to where to start with nutrition.

The three benefits of the first step nutrition package are:

  1. An introduction to where to start with healthy eating.
  2. Individualised guidance and education regarding eating healthy for long lasting results.
  3. Overall improved health & wellness from applying the our first steps of nutrition (at The JCN Clinic we regularly see a drastic improvement in your overall wellbeing just from nutrition changes alone!). 

Please note, this package is for entry level into healthy eating. If you already feel you have a solid nutritional base of the above and that your health issues run deeper, then please contact us at The JCN Clinic to organise alternative assistants or guidance towards a more suitable package. 

this package includes:

x3 comprehensive consultations held every 4 weeks:

  • Consultation 1: Initial 90 minute consultation – This consultation will involve an overall assessment and deep dive into your daily dietary habits, routines and overall health. We will use this initial consultation to create a realistic base for you to start with, primarily education on protein, fats and carbohydrates. We will also introduce you to macronutrient balanced eating and create a customised nutritional foundational base plan for you. Please also note that this initial nutritional plan is a starting point only. Our goal is to not overwhelm you, it is to educate you and have you grow week to week with obtainable goals. 
  • Consultation 2: X1 Extended Follow Up Consultation  – In this consultation your JCN Nutritionist will assess your developments to date after your initial consultation and inclusion of your foundational nutritional plan. From here we will build further foundational elements into your program addressing how to include more plant based variety and how to start to including seasonal eating where appropriate.
  • Consultation 3: x1 Extended Follow Up Consultation – In this final consultation your JCN Nutritionist will once again go through your dietary intake and review, ensuring you are understanding and including the foundations to date with out any major pitfalls. This consultation will also be used to discuss fibre and how it can be included in your diet for gut health in an individualised fashion. This consultation will also be important to discuss and review eating habits. Your JCN Nutritionist will help you set up steps to use your gained knowledge to maintain your foundational eating.

Prior to your initial appointment you will fill out a comprehensive JCN New Client History Form that will enable your JCN Clinical Nutritionist to have ample information on your current health and dietary intake habits.


 $580.00 for the entire 12 weeks of the package (saving of $30!)

Essential nutrition basics you will learn:

  1. What are protein, fats and carbohydrates and what foods provide an abundance of each
  2. What is macro-balanced eating and what does it look like on a daily plate
  3. What a ‘plant based’ approach means and is this important to you
  4. How to encompass a broad seasonal palate of ingredients without restrictions
  5. What foods are rich in fibre and the diversity of options that you can include in your dietary intake to ‘feed’ a healthy gut.
  6. How to develop an eating style and habit that works for you that you can really work with as a long term lifestyle change.

This package is designed to fundamentally educate you. Our goal is for you to become not only confident with what to eat, but for you to create a foundational approach that is easy to keep consistent after the package ends.

At the end of this 12-week package our goal is for you to feel great! Generally if you do not have a solid foundational base then there is no way that you will not notice a difference when following this program.  The First Steps Nutrition Package does not include functional testing or supplements, it is purely about creating a baseline of good health and showing you that feeling great is achievable (and enjoyable!) through nutrition. 

At the end of this 12-week program you will feel confident in moving forward! Our reward is to see you look back on what you have achieved with a sense of pride, but also a sense of ‘that was easier than I thought!’ and our favourite, ‘healthy eating is delicious!’.


To make a booking, simply visit the JCN online booking system here and choose a time suitable for  your Initial Consultation. Alternately, feel welcome to pop us an email at or contact us here with any questions, or to make a booking via email. This package is available nationally and internationally.

Nutritional consultations are covered by a variety of health funds, so please check with your insurer to see if you are eligible.