complete fertility nutrition package

This Complete Fertility Nutrition Package is a comprehensive treatment plan to help support your fertility/ IVF journey for both you and your partner. With an even 50/50 DNA being shared to create a baby with respect to healthy eggs and sperm, this is an excellent starting point for all parties involved in conception to begin this journey. Whether a heteronormative couple, same sex or looking to freeze your eggs for the future, this package is tailored to be all-inclusive.

Your Clinical Nutritionist, Eloise Hyne

Eloise is a passionate dedicated practitioner using her own fertility struggles to motherhood and prior clients success stories as a driving force within this package. Eloise personally crafted this package with the intension of helping other optimise and achieve their fertility goals.

this package includes:

x3 comprehensive consultations held approximately every 4 weeks with Eloise Hyne:

  • Consultation 1: Initial double 120 minute consultation – This consultation involves comprehensive health history case taking and detailed review of lifestyle and diet intake. A treatment regime will be created by Eloise with respect of your fertility goals. A pathology request form will be sent to you after this consultation which can be completed by your GP. *Additional functional testing may also be suggested ordered through The JCN Clinic at an additional cost.
  • Consultation 2: Extended Follow Up Consultation  – 1 x  90 minute follow up consultation to track progress, review recent pathology and alter any further treatment processes based on results.
  • Consultation 3: Follow Up Consultation – In this 60 minute consultation Eloise will review dietary intakes, lifestyle changes and supplementation to finalise steps ensuring a healthy foundation moving forward. This consultation will also be used to discuss final questions and assess if you would benefit from further treatment and support with Eloise.

*Further testing may be suggested such as additional pathology/stool/hormone/sperm analysis testing, depending on your individualised needs.

Prior to your initial appointment you and your partner will fill out a comprehensive JCN New Client History Form that will enable your JCN Clinical Nutritionist to have ample information on your current health and dietary intake habits.


$655.00  (includes $35.00 saving!)


how does a nutritionist help with fertility? 

A Nutritionist helps with fertility health by investigating all contributing factors pertaining to hormones such as gut health, inflammation, dietary intake, and lifestyle for both male and female partners, or same sex relationships. Optimising health prior to conception is a priority. A Nutritionist utilises a multifactorial approach to fertility health by adapting supportive dietary suggestions specific to egg health and sperm health.

A Nutritionist will provide a detailed and individualised treatment plan that addresses dietary intake, supplementation use and further investigation through functional testing if required.

how does this work if I am also doing IVF?

A Nutritionist can work alongside your chosen fertility treatment, diet and lifestyle adaptions are still very important components to your IVF journey. Correspondence can be made with your chosen specialist for a multi-disciplined approach.


To make a booking, simply visit the JCN online booking system here and select JCN Packages. Choose a time suitable for your Initial Consultation with Clinical Nutritionist Eloise Hyne. Alternately, feel welcome to pop us an email at or contact us here with any questions, or to make a booking via email. This package is available within Australia only.

Nutritional consultations are covered by a variety of health funds, so please check with your insurer to see if you are eligible.